The fees are composed of several components: the CAWA Affiliation Fee, Carine Registration Fee, and Term Fees (class fees for Masters). The CAWA Affiliation Fee and Membership fee are annual payments, while the Term Fees are payable at the start of each term. Class fees for Masters are paid per class attended. The breakdown below details the fees based on the class. The 2025 Fee Payment Policy is also available for download below.
Class & Age
CAWA Affiliation fee (Annual)
Carine Registration fee (Annual)
Term 1 Fee
Term 2 Fee
Term 3 Fee
Term 4 Fee
Starlets Age: Turning 3, 4, 5 ,6 in 2025
Sub-Junior Reds Age: Turning 6, 7, 8 in 2025
Sub-Junior Blues Age: Turning 9, 10 in 2025
Juniors Age: Turning 11, 12, 13 in 2025
Intermediates Age: Turning 14, 15, 16, 17 in 2025
Masters 26+ in 2025
$16.50 per class
Note: Term fees are structured based on the term as a whole, not the number of classes offered.
Fees Explained
Calisthenics Association of WA (CAWA) Affiliation Fee (annual per participant)
CAWA affiliation fee is an annual payment providing CAWA membership and insurance for participants.
This fee is paid upon registration each year or the first term the participant is enrolled.
For participants enrolled later in the year (e.g., Term 4), a pro-rated fee applies.
Carine Registration Fee (annual per participant)
Covers class incidentals, such as prizes or awards, hair and make up supplies for competitions, storage facilities, props, rod tape, Club based items such as stereos, mats, marking tape, first aid items.
Term Fee
Covers coaching fees, training hall hire, hire of competition /concert costumes, fancy costume (for participant to retain at he end of the year), competition entry fees, stage practice (where applicable), family club annual events, and adminstration costs.
There is no additional cost for extra trainings scheduled by coaches to prepare for Competitions and Concerts.
Costumes remain the property of Carine Calisthenics Club, which are used at Competitions and Concerts.
Each performer pays for their Fancy costume in full and it is theirs to keep.
Term Fee Structure
Term 1: You will receive an invoicefor the Term 1 (training class) fee generally within a week of registering. If you are a new member, this fee will include a pro-rata discount to incorporate your 2 free classes. Payment of Term 1 fees is due by the first class of term 1 or 14 days from invoicing (whichever is the latter).
Term 2: Includes the Term 2 Fee. Payment is due 29th April 2025 or 14 days from invoicing.
Term 3: Includes the Term 3 Fee. Payment is due 19th July. Family discounts (if applicable) are applied to Term 3 invoices.
Term 4: Includes the Term 4 Fee (if applicable). New members in Term 4 are required to pay a reduced CAWA affiliation fee and a $5 Carine Registration fee following their 2 week free trial.
Class fees (Masters only): An invoice will be issued prior to each class for payment.
Invoices are emailed to participants or parents/guardians before the start of each term.
Payments are due within the first two weeks (14 days) of the invoices being issued.
Participants must be financially up to date to compete in any CAWA competition.
Performers cannot compete in individual competitions (e.g. solo, duo, gracefuls), attend Club events, or participate in the Calisthenic Skills Program unless all invoice payments are up to date.
Please note that all fees, including the CAWA affiliation fee, club registration fee, term fee or any other associated costs, arenon-refundable if you choose to withdraw.
There are no refunds for missed classes (noting Masters only pay for classes attended).
If we cancel a class, we will make every effort to provide a make-up class during the year.
You can set up a payment plan, if agreed to and authorised by our Treasurer.
If you have any questions or want to make payment arrangements, email the Treasurer.
If you do not make arrangements for payment, you are required to pay invoices in full by the due date.
KidSport provides financial support from the government to eligible families to help with fees. For more information, visit: KidSport.
Other fees
Clubs and Rods are measured for in class and are ordered via the Shop. Invoices are sent out once ordered and payment must be made prior to issuing of equipment.
Note that you'll need to be logged into the site to purchase equipment items.
Aesthetic skirt : All age groups. You will be advised the colour skirt to purchase at the time of measuring. Note Masters skirts are used for concert performances.
Carine Polo Shirt: for Sub Juniors Reds & Blues, Juniors, Intermediates, Coaches and Cadets. Optional item for Starlets & Masters.